Yep, it's that time again! It's Wednesday, so that means that it's Wacky Wade Wednesday, the day where we celebrate all things Deadpool.
Today's post will be a little short on the length (I'm fighting with angry sinuses), but it will be full on the funny! First off, I'm gonna take you an excursion through Deadpool #0. This issue was a special, free issue that came with Wizard Magazine in 1998, and it contains some of the most incredible, hilarious Deadpool moments ever.
As the book opens, Wade is busy suspending a guy over his own Doberman dogs, drizzling BBQ sauce down the guy's face. Wade has come on a mission for his boss; he's come to retrieve the MacGuffin files (love that reference!), and the guy quickly gives in and tells Wade that they're in the bedroom safe.
Unfortunately for our maniac, the files have been stolen by Vamp-Animus. But what the heck? Deadpool killed Vamp-Animus the year before, so how could he still be alive?

Wade hijacks a cab and follows VA to his lair, where he is working for Arnim Zola. Zola has a big old exposition segment where he reveals his ultimate plans. He has perfected cloning to the point where he can create life from one strand of DNA in hours, and he plans on creating what he calls "Corpse Corps" to be his footmen.
Zola sics Vamp-Animus on Wade, but he kills him again with one shot, so Zola unleashes his dread army of dead losers.
The next few pages are absolute gold, and I wish I could share every single one of them with you. Wade is really in his element, and he just rips through all of the clones, dispatching them with ease and with a witty quip.
He seems to have eliminated most of the clones, and Wade finds two beds covered with sheets. What he finds there is one of the most frightening images Marvel have ever given us:

(That's Spider-Man's Aunt May & Uncle Ben, for those not in the know) Wade continues his maniacal fun, and it doesn't take long before he's killed every single clone in the building and has Zola pinned to the ground, Wade's giant gun aimed at his face. Being a coward, Zola makes a deal with Deadpool to save his life. Deadpool's a little apprehensive at first, but he's reeeaaaally happy with the deal he ends up with:

And now, just a couple of little items to end this romp, all from the pages of 1998's Baby's First Deadpool Book. To start things off, here's a little lesson in etiquette from Captain America & Deadpool!
And, last but not least, a few lessons in our ABCs.

And that's gonna wrap things up for today. Tomorrow's a freebie day, so I'm not sure yet what will be covered. I'm thinking about starting a walk-through of the DC miniseries Kingdom Come. If I don't go with that, I think I'll cover issue #1 of Astro City.

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